3 Popular Questions About CBD & Anxiety Answered

Anxious thoughts don’t discriminate. No matter your age, where you live or what you do for a living, chances are you’ve experienced some type of anxiety—from a short-lived episode before a big event (hello wedding day or big presentation at work) to a chronic feeling that’s always there in the background.

According to a 2018 survey by the American Psychiatric Association, 40% of Americans felt more anxious than they did the year before. And about 40 million Americans are thought to suffer from some type of anxiety disorder.

For many, it can be embarrassing to seek help for anxiety. For others, it’s hard to know where to look for help. Some folks have found that consuming cannabidiol (CBD) provides an effective respite from anxious thoughts.

CBD is a marijuana cannabinoid that doesn’t produce a head high like the other famous cannabinoid, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), can. But it has been shown to help temper anxiety.

For example, in a small study from 2011, a group of people with social anxiety disorder took either CBD or a placebo before a test. The subjects who consumed CBD felt less anxious and their physiological signs of anxiety, like elevated blood pressure and heart rate, decreased compared to that of the placebo group.

If you’re interested in taking CBD to help calm anxiety, check out our three most popular Q&As about CBD for anxiety. Don’t see your anxiety question answered below? Head over to our Answers page where doctors, nurses and knowledgeable members of the HelloMD community will share their thoughts with you.


Q. Is there any evidence that CBD helps with anxiety and what way is best for me to consume it?

I don’t live in a legal marijuana state, but I have terrible anxiety and have heard that CBD derived from the hemp plant may be something I can try.

Answer: @BartSmart In my opinion, it wouldn’t hurt to try CBD that’s derived from the hemp plant. The difference between hemp-derived CBD and cannabis-derived CBD is the amount of THC in the plant.

I have heard success with vaporizing CBD for quickest relief during an anxiety attack, while using CBD edibles regularly to maintain homeostasis, or a balance in one’s mind and body.

CBD promotes neurogenesis which can have a calming effect on people leading to a decrease of anxiety for some.

CBD comes from agriculturally derived hemp and you would just want to make sure that your hemp is responsibly sourced.

We at HelloMD have heard of many testimonials about CBD helping people deal with their anxiety.

Q. What is a good starting dose of CBD oil for anxiety and pain relief?

I have some softgels and tincture.

Answer: @helenanp The right amount of CBD oil will vary from person to person. We each have a unique endocannabinoid system, so some people will require less, and others will require more.

It’s best to start with a low dosage and then slightly raise this dosage until you receive the desired result. I would start with a drop of CBD oil a day and see how it affects you. Every 2–3 weeks I would increase by an additional drop. Remember to space the drops throughout the day.

Continue to increase by a drop every 2–3 weeks until your symptoms decrease. You need to experiment a little to see what dosage is best for you.

Q. Best quality CBD oil and dosage for anxiety?

Answer: @drkim Hello there!

While I can’t testify to which CBD oil is best, I can advise on what to look for:

  1. CO2 extraction
  2. Whole-plant philosophy
  3. Organic hemp or cannabis
  4. Clearly labeled

I hope this helps!

This is a great product that checks all the boxes:

Photo credit: Tero Vesalainen/

Want to try CBD, but don’t know where to start? Shop our selection of high-quality, lab-tested CBD products and have them shipped to your door. And if you have questions about CBD, ask them and our community will answer.


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