Question and Answer

We get questions from consumers every day, and we make it our mission to provide comprehensive answers in our primer library. (Do you have a question we haven’t answered yet? Book a free education consult with one of our experts to get the information you need.)

Medical Marijuana

Is Medical Marijuana Covered by Insurance?

Until medical marijuana is legalized at a federal level, health insurance in the US will struggle to cover this expense.


Why Does Smoking Cannabis Cause Red, Bloodshot Eyes?

Bloodshot eyes have always been a telltale sign that you’ve been smoking weed. But contrary to popular belief, it isn’t the smoke that causes the redness. Using cannabis in other forms can cause the same effect.

Cannabis 101

Do Cannabis Products Expire or Go Bad?

Like any other organic product, cannabis products can expire or go bad over time. But with proper storage, many kinds of cannabis products can remain safe and potent for a year or more.


How Does CBD Oil Work For Anxiety?

Here’s what you need to know about how CBD oil works to relieve anxiety and related symptoms, and how to take it for the best results.

Cannabis for Sleep

Cannabis for Sleep: What’s Better – CBD or THC?

Sleep is vital for good health, but for many people, the zzz’s don’t come easy. Read on for more about how certain cannabis compounds can help.

cannabis test
Cannabis 101

Does Cannabis Show Up on a Standard Drug Test?

Many factors determine how long cannabis can linger in the body and whether it can show up on a drug test, including the frequency and amount of cannabis you use and the kind of test you take.


Can You Use Cannabis When Taking Eliquis?

Curious about how marijuana interacts with a new type of blood thinner called Eliquis? Here’s what research reveals about the way these two substances work with each other.

Cannabis tincture and shelf life

Do Tinctures Have a Shelf Life?

The good news is, tincture shelf life is the longest shelf life of any cannabis product, especially when products are selected and stored with care.

Question and Answer

What is AVB and How Do You Use It?

ABV, or Already Vaped Weed, can be repurposed into a variety of consumables. Read on to learn more about how ABV gives your weed a second life.


What is Kief?

“’Kief’ is one of those words I’ve heard in connection to weed, but I’m not sure what it means. Is it something to do with hash?”

Anton C.


How Do You Make a Bong?

“I’ve found that I really like the smoothness of smoking weed with a bong. Can you tell me how to make a homemade bong?”

Asbjorn B.


What is THCV?

I keep hearing that THCV in cannabis can suppress my appetite. What is it?

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