Cannabis Patient Study: Women's Radio Interviews HelloMD's Pamela Hadfield

Women’s Radio reached out to interview Pamela Hadfield regarding HelloMD’s latest cannabis study. Pat Lynch, Editor-in-Chief of WR interviews Pamela on her popular radio show, and the episode can be found here.

HelloMD believes the patient study to be the most comprehensive study to date and we are very pleased to share it with the community at large. Our methodology included surveying our membership of 17,000 patients (all of whom have been evaluated by our own doctors), correlating with other data sets (public and private), analyzing, and then using the results to form key findings. We had an exceptional response of over 1,400 patients in less than two days. Anonymously, every one of them answered an extensive questionnaire that detailed their own experience and details regarding conditions leading to use, modes of use, efficacy, and much more.

You can download the HelloMD Study here.


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