CBD Oil: Breaking the Stereotypes of Cannabis

For patients looking for relief from a myriad of medical conditions, but
who do not want to experience some of the side effects caused by
consuming THC, CBD oil offers an appealing option helping with an array
of conditions. CBD is one of more than sixty compounds in cannabis, but
it offers a set of medical qualities that are unique.

History of CBD Research

Anyone familiar with the complicated relationship between the United
States government and the cultivation, use, and sales of marijuana over
the years understands the legal hurdles involved in using the plant for
recreational and medicinal purposes. Regardless of these federal
strictures, twenty-three states and the District of Columbia have
recognized the medicinal advantages of the plant and have passed
statutes authorizing its use in the treatment of conditions ranging from
cancer to psychosis disorders.

First isolated by the scientific community in 1940, CBD was noted for
its high concentration in the marijuana plant, but more than two decades
passed before researchers fully identified the compound’s medicinal

What distinguishes the use of CBD over THC for medicinal purposes,
however, are the non-psychoactive properties of the CBD. Simply stated,
patients treated with CBD oil do not experience the high associated with
smoking marijuana. Additionally, researchers noted that CBD, even when
administered in high doses, is "well tolerated and safe."

According to a 2011 study, presented in Current Drug
, researchers found
that the component does not interfere with normal psychological and
physiological functions. The study, published by United Arab
Emirate-based Bentham Science, details the findings of researchers at
Brazil’s University of Sao Paulo looking into the safety considerations
of cannabidiol for use with patients.

These findings have the potential to transform the medical treatment of
patients using marijuana.

What Makes CBD Different from THC?

The properties of THC that are so attractive to the recreational
marijuana smoker, notably the propensity for delivering a high to the
user, is what gives healthcare professionals pause when prescribing the
drug to their patients. Simply stated, physicians prefer to limit the
side effects of recommended treatments. Since CBD interacts with the
brain differently, these limitations are not evident in patients treated
with the new formulations. What differentiates CBD effects from those of
THC is the fact that the two compounds travel along different pathways
in the body.

Since CBD oil, the extract derived from the CBD compound found in
marijuana, does not elicit a psychoactive response, the patient benefits
from those aspects of the drug that provides antiemetic, anticonvulsant,
anti-oxidants, anti-tumoral properties that help ease and alleviate
symptoms ranging from cancer to bouts of anxiety. Indeed, owing to the
fact that CBD usage does not influence the central nervous system,
researchers are encouraged that the compound might prove safe for both
children and those suffering from mental illness.

Uses for CBD Oil in the Treatment of an Array of Conditions

While their is no suggestion that marijuana is a cure-all for the myriad
of medical conditions that seemingly plague modern society, research
points to the fact that the properties of CBD can ameliorate the
symptoms of many diseases.

For instance, those suffering from nausea due to cancer treatment
regimes, such as radiology and chemotherapy, benefit from the antiemetic
properties that fight nausea and vomiting. Its anti-oxidant properties
helps combat neurodegenerative disorders, while its anticonvulsant
aspects appear as a promising tool to suppress seizure activity.

In terms of addressing mental health issues, CBD

offers antipsychotic and anti-depressive qualities that help ward
against anxiety, insomnia, and depression in patients suffering from
those conditions. As with any treatment aimed at lessening symptoms, CBD
provides palliative relief without the side effects of harsh
pharmaceutical drugs. In addition, CBD can counteract overwhelming
sensations caused by consuming too much THC.

How CBD Oil is Made and Who Benefits From It

The extract from the oils and resins that are naturally located on the
buds, stems, and leaves of a mature pot plant becomes available through
a chemical process that draws out resins various solutions. The
resulting product is safe for human consumption, can be consumed in
edibles, used as a sublingual agent, and used as a topical tincture for
an array of symptoms and conditions.

CBD oil can also be derived from Hemp rather than cannabis, which makes it legal to consume in all 50 states. It is widely claimed, however, that cannabis derived CBD provides much better results.

The proof is in the pudding when it comes to measuring success with the
use of CBD oil, and a medical case in Oregon appears to be providing
that proof. Those who have been following the use of CBD oil in the
treatment of epilepsy are heartened by the case of Oregonian Forrest
The Eugene, Oregon native developed symptoms of epilepsy shortly after
his eighth birthday, and he was prescribed Trileptal, an anti-seizure
medication, which caused side effects that included anger and suicidal
thoughts. After a failed suicide attempt, the young patient’s parents
began exploring medicinal marijuana options in the Beaver State, and in
the months since beginning his regimen, Forrest’s epileptic symptoms
have abated and the debilitating side effects of the Trileptal have
completely disappeared.

Photo Credit.


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