The Best Marijuana Mother's Day Gifts

Your mom does everything for you. She was there to drop you off at soccer practice or pick you up from a playdate. She was the one that brought you into the world, and she has always been your biggest supporter in life. But with Mother’s Day just around the corner, it can be hard to find a gift for mom that she’s going to use and enjoy. But seriously, have you thought about buying her some weed?

I’d first like to say that the idea of mothers using marijuana shouldn’t be considered taboo or stigmatized in any form. The stigma around marijuana use and motherhood is lessening, but it’s not gone altogether.

The reality is, "cannamoms" are paving the way for parenting with weed โ€“ showing just how effective of tool marijuana can be. So encourage your mom to give it a try if she hasn’t. And if she already consumes cannabis, then she deserves a high five!

Ask her before thinking that your mom won’t be interested in an "elevated" Mother’s Day gift. Find out how your mom feels about weed and educate her on the long list of therapeutic and recreational benefits that cannabis is known (or not so known) for.

Then check out these perfect marijuana products for your mom this Mother’s Day.

Best Accessories for Mom

Some Moms don’t begin consuming cannabis because it can be confusing to know how to start. You can make it easy by purchasing some cannabis basics and essentials for Mother’s Day Gifts.

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Pie Grinder

Everyone needs a weed grinder in their life, especially your mother. This pie-shaped grinder is a great way to glamorize weed and show how fun and playful it can be.

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Silverton Smell-Proof Storage Bag

This Silverton storage bag is perfect for moms looking to use cannabis discreetly. They can keep their products organized and secure in these smell-proof bags. Pick one up for $79.

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Raw Cones

If your mom is used to the more traditional cannabis experience and likes to roll her own joints, these cones from Raw are a great starting point. Raw is known as one of the best rolling paper companies because they use organic, natural ingredients and avoid using any dyes in their paper. Mom will love the chance to relive her college days with these.

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Raw Rolling Tray Set

If mom is very interested in joints and is looking to become an expert roller, get her a rolling tray set, like this one from Raw. The kit includes lighters, rolling papers, a rolling tray, and a joint roller! The set costs $32.

The Best Weed Strains for Mother’s Day

If you’re looking to gift cannabis flower this Mother’s Day, the strains below are perfect. Not too high in THC, great for relaxing, and pairs nicely with a bubble bath and warm cup of tea.

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Jillybean is a tropical, citrusy marijuana strain that will help your mom relax and feel uplifted. With lower THC levels, this flower is perfect for those who don’t smoke regularly or do not want to feel excessively high.

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If your mom likes to relax, she’ll love Trident. This strain boasts 6% CBD and lower levels of THC which means it’s perfect for an end-of-the-day smoke session before kicking back and enjoying a Netflix movie marathon. You can give mom the gift of relaxation with Trident.

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Haoma is another high CBD strain testing regularly at around 6%. If your mom suffers from aches and pains or more debilitating problems like arthritis โ€“ this strain can help due to its anti-inflammatory nature. Your mother will thank you for the gift of relief with Haoma.

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Blackberry Kush

Blackberry Kush smells sweet and makes you feel like you’re floating. This relaxing Indica contains moderate levels of THC and will help mom relax and unwind. She’ll enjoy the euphoric effects as well as full-body relaxation that can help promote things like sleep and pain relief.

The Best Cannabis Products to Gift Mom

If your mom wants to see what the younger people enjoy these days, she’ll be delighted by these marijuana products. From beverages to "light weed", marijuana has come a long way since she was in college.

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Kikoko Tranquili-Tea

Kikoko (a cutting-edge female-led cannabis brand) crafted a delicious and fun alternative to cannabis edibles called Tranquili-Tea. These are actually caffeine-free, cannabis-infused tea bags that contain 5mg CBN and 3mg THC. That means mom can enjoy a hot cup of tea and feel a warming sense of relaxation and sleepiness from the blend of cannabinoids in the cup. She’s going to love it! Available in California.

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Country Good Neighbor Pre-Rolls

Country has reinvented cannabis by crafting the first "light" weed. Meaning the Good Neighbor pre-rolls they make aren’t focused on high THC, they’re focused on creating an uplifting experience that still allows you to focus and stay motivated. Your mom will appreciate the lower THC levels, as well as the delicious flavor and improved focus that comes with smoking these pre-rolls. Available in California.


Cann Blood Orange Cardamom

Cann’s Blood Orange Cardamom cannabis beverage is the epitome of modern marijuana consumption. It contains 2mg of THC and 4mg of CBD so you can enjoy them in social settings without "losing your cool." These canna-beverages are great for mom because they’ll leave her feeling bubbly, social, and hangover-free! A great alternative to alcohol.

Regardless of the cannabis product, you buy your mom for Mother’s Day, she’s going to love it โ€“ because she loves you! But putting thought into the right weed gift won’t just make her smile when she unwraps it, she’ll lay back and smile every time she consumes it.

Get Your Medical Document & Purchase Medical Cannabis

It’s easy to get your medical document with the online Telehealth service HelloMD. Register, pay, and receive an online medical consultation with a licensed partitioner and purchase medical cannabis today.


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