Hi for hair growth and to fight against alopecia ,can i cook or boil the weed, abstrain its oil n mix it with any hair cream. Its the possible for hair growth thanks

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Hi there!
If the cooking/boiling of the cannabis or hemp is done correctly, the oil should mix well with the shampoo.
However, I would not recommend using cannabis for hair growth. Several studies directly link heavy cannabis use to hair loss. Although, most of those studies specify THC as the likely culpritโ€”which is why I recommend hemp over cannabis (0.3% THC or less).

There is, however, a plethora of anecdotal evidence suggesting that CBD may improve the health of hair folliclesโ€”and also reasonable inferences as to why that may be: CBD is high in Omegas 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids, which promote scalp and follicular health; hemp is high in vitamin E, which helps hair retain moisture and also prevents cell death via oxidative stress (is an antioxidant); is high in the essential fatty acid linolenic acid, which can lengthen the growth phase of hair follicles; and CBD, itself, is a powerful antioxidant.

Awesome DIY Project: How to Make Hemp Oil 101

Here is a great recipe shared by the co-founder of HelloMD, Pamela Hadfield, that should also be great for your hair. I recommend that you also use the oil as a hair treatment on its own.

I hope this helps!


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