How do I renew my Pennsylvania medical marijuana card?

“I’ve had my medical cannabis card for about four months, in Lancaster, PA. The weed has been great for my anxiety disorder, helping me to stay calm. When my year of coverage is up, do I have to renew my card? Is the renewal automatic or do I have to do something special?”

Terri V.

The renewal of your Pennsylvania medical marijuana card isn’t automatic, but 30 days before your annual renewal is due, you’ll be sent an email reminder.

You’ll have to pay $50 for the card renewal, or $25 in some special qualifying cases. You’ll also have to get a patient certification from any registered practitioner. You don’t have to use the same doctor who issued your initial patient certification. You should get the medical practitioner certification 60 days before your medical card expires.

Once the certification is done and your payment is up to date, your new card will be printed and sent to the address listed in your patient portal under “profile settings.” You should log into your account as a returning user and check that your address is correct.

The new card is activated after the expiry date of your current card, so keep using your current medical marijuana card until it expires.

Jane R.


If you don’t already have a medical weed card, you’ll have to set up a profile in the Medical Marijuana Registry, run by the Pennsylvania Depart of Health. You provide basic information, such as your legal name, address, and contact information. You also must have a Pennsylvania driver’s license, or an ID card issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

Once you’ve registered, you need to have an approved physician certify that you suffer from a qualifying medical condition. The state has a list of qualified certifying physicians.

If your own doctor isn’t on the list, it can be a hassle finding a qualifying physician to certify your new or renewed medical cart. That’s why a lot of people Pennsylvania are turning to proven services for obtaining certifications, such as HelloMD’s.

Since 2015, its teams have help guide medical marijiuana patients through the certification process, doing everything easily online. First you register, providing basic information about yourself, and pay a $149 fee for a consultation with an experienced and qualified medical practitioner (the fee is fully refunded if the certification doesn’t go through).

In the 15-to-20-minute consultation, the medical practitioner checks your medical history, makes sure you match one of the qualifications for medical marijuana in Pennsylvania. Then you would apply for your card through the registry.

With an up-to-date card you can go to buy your medical cannabis from a licensed dispensary.

Harold N. M.


If you’re a certified medical marijuana patient in Lancaster, I’d recommend you try the Verilife dispensary. The expert cannabis staff there will really make you feel at home and help you select marijuana products that are right for you.

The dispensary also has free parking, an onsite ATM, reservations and online ordering for in-store pick-up, and a great selection of products.

I have sleep issues and was really pleased by the staff pick of 1:1 (CBD-THC) iRest capsules. They helped me get more shuteye and also worked for pain relief. I’m sure the staff would have a lot of suggestions for anxiety to help you.


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