"Hello my 10year old daughter has IBD-UC and we want to avoid pharmaceuticals. would love to hear from others about their experience with CBD products to decrease inflammation from autoimmune diseases, especially IBD. thank you"

Activating cannabinoid receptors has been demonstrated to inhibit gastrointestinal fluid secretion and inflammation in animal models. Several studies indicate that cannabinoids in marijuana bind with cannabinoid receptors in the digestive tract, especially the small and large intestine.

Furthermore, both CBD and THC have been shown to reduce the inflammatory response in patients with autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, lupus and celiac disease; both CBD and THC have also been shown to help alleviate pain. However, it is mainly THC, rather than CBD, that helps alleviate nausea and stimulate the appetite.

"CBD may interact at extra-cannabinoid system receptor sites, such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma. This strategic interaction makes CBD as a potential candidate for the development of a new class of anti-IBD drugs."

"CBD targets enteric reactive gliosis, counteracts the inflammatory environment … in human colonic cultures derived from UC patients. These actions lead to a reduction of intestinal damage. Our results therefore indicate that CBD indeed unravels a new therapeutic strategy to treat inflammatory bowel diseases."


Hello! I agree with Dr. Kim’s very nice answer. Since your daughter is 10, I would recommend she try CBD rich products since they are less psychoactive. CBD is a powerful antiinflammatory compound, which often helps with inflammatory bowel diseases. A tiny bit of THC helps the CBD to work more effectively. I might suggest you try a ratio of at least 12:1 CBD to THC in a sublingual tincture. Start with a couple drops and observe the effects. You can increase the dose if necessary over time. Hope this helps. Best of luck.


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