My Foria Experience

"I was aware of Foria before your article. My husband had bought it at the dispensary he goes too. This product works amazingly quicker than other cannabis sprays I used. The name is not something I’m crazy about, it comes in the form of what looks like lipstick so it is easy to carry. I don’t have any problems in my sex life, just wanted to try it and it only enhances your pleasure! I definitely recommend this product. Make sure you follow the directions on any cannabis oil as some need about 15-30 minutes to take effect."

Sounds like your man has your pleasure desires and sensual satisfaction top of mind, and that is wonderful to hear! Thank you for sharing your FORIA #PleasureStory with us and with HelloMD.

We often focus a lot of FORIA’s messaging around the therapeutic benefits this cannabis product can provide for those who experience pain during intercourse. It’s always incredible for us to hear new stories on how FORIA helped someone access pain relief with an all-natural product such as FORIA Pleasure. But FORIA is for ALL sexually active women (of legal age for cannabis consumption) whether you have a specific problem in your present sex life or not.

It’s powerful for women like yourself to share your experience with other women encouraging them to try something new. Maybe your current bedroom activities are great, but what if they could be even better? At FORIA we believe reaching your most optimal height of sensual pleasure can contribute positively to your overall sense of health and wellness; and simply that women deserve it!

–Thanks Again!


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