What Are the Best Medical Marijuana Edibles in Illinois?

“With Covid, my depression, anxiety, and stress levels are through the roof. Thought I might have some marijuana edibles to help, which are legal here. What should I try?”

Martin G.

Cannabis edibles are a great option for consuming cannabis

Medical marijuana edibles are a great way to help with mood disorders. But first things first. Are you registered as a medical cannabis user in Illinois? If not, you need to get a medical card. You can do this all through HelloMD as a resident of Illinois.

You can consult online with a qualified Illinois practitioner, for only $159. Once you have been approved by the practitioner, you will register your certification with Illinois’ online Medical Cannabis Patient Program, providing proof of residency as well as identification. After you’ve registered, you will receive your medical card in the mail. Then you can go to an approved dispensary to pick up the edibles you desire.

If you haven’t had edibles before, be aware that their effects take longer to kick in than smoking or vaping, so don’t keep eating them or the effects might hit you hard if they have a lot of THC in them.

Alan G.

One dispensary with a great footprint in Illinois is Verilife, which has eight locations in the state so far. Its Romeoville dispensary, for example, caters to both medical weed and recreational users.

Matter Acai Pomegranate Sour Gummy Bites

The Matter Acai Pomegranate Sour Gummy Bites for sale there is a favorite—and a good choice if you are looking for a balanced 1:1 THC-CBD ratio (each package of 20 pieces has about 100mg of each of the cannabinoids).

There’s a mounting pile of evidence that CBD can help with the symptoms of depression, and can often avoid the side effects of powerful traditional pharmaceuticals. Some people will even use CBD alongside their regular prescriptions, to reduce their use of them and to mitigate their side effects.

Cannabis can also help to boost your mood and calm fears and anxieties.

Howe K.

Kiva Confections Chocolate Terra Bites

I really like the delicious Kiva Confections line of Chocolate Terra Bites. They are made from micro-roasted Tanzanian coffee beans and coated in dark chocolate and have 5mg of THC per bite. That’s not a lot if you are worried about getting high, and want to microdose. Or you can take a few bites for a heavier hit.

Kiva’s Indica Midnight Blueberry Camino Gummies

Also worth trying are Kiva’s Indica Midnight Blueberry Camino Gummies, with a 5:1 THC-CBD ratio. The sweet treat also includes terpenes, chamomile, and lavender oils to promote restful sleep, which is great if you are being kept up by your depression and anxiety. User reviews also praise these weed edibles for their pain relief and mood-enhancing capabilities.

Incredibles Black Cherry Chocolate Bar

In Chicago, you can, as well, get the Incredibles Black Cherry Chocolate Bar. Each of its 10 squares has 10mg each of CBD and THC. The manufacturer asks: “Who needs fondue when you have this decadent treat? Tart cherries and milky, dark chocolatey goodness.”

The bar is rated high for its calming, relaxing, and sleepy effects. Who could say no?

Jonathan L.

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