
Larry OG

20–24% THC <1% CBD

If you’re a fan of the OG Kush family, don’t pass up a chance to try Larry OG. This citrusy marijuana strain also goes by Lemon Larry; it imparts a blissful high that’s a good fit for mellow daytime activities.

Part of the prominent OG Kush family, Larry OG is a cross between OG Kush and SFV OG. Bred in Orange County by Cali Connection, this cannabis strain has spread throughout the U.S., even making its way to Canada.

Larry OG has a piney, citrusy aroma and similar flavors—perhaps why its alternate name is Lemon Larry. Typical of the OG Kush family, Larry OG tends to have small, dense flowers with dark orange hairs.

With effects that tend to be milder than most other strains in the OG Kush family, Larry OG imparts easygoing, blissful mental effects with a moderate body buzz. Depending on your sensitivity to THC and the amount you consume, you may be able to use Larry OG during the day. While it doesn’t provide a burst of energy, Larry OG is still useful for completing easy tasks in a relaxed manner. It can also be a great addition to a picnic in the park or a walk around the neighborhood.

Larry OG provides powerful pain relief without completely debilitating the consumer. For this reason, it’s a popular choice for daytime medicine in the medical marijuana community. This cannabis strain is also said to stimulate appetite, and its mood-boosting properties can help those with stress and anxiety.

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