

Can You Use Cannabis When Taking Eliquis?

Curious about how marijuana interacts with a new type of blood thinner called Eliquis? Here’s what research reveals about the way these two substances work with each other.


What is most effective product for sedation?

"I am a 66 year old male, 170 lbs. I have some health issues including essential hyperteinsion, depression, insomnia. I was diagnosed with MONO in …


I have a blood platelet deficiency( von Willebrand).

"I don’t take advil or alleve. Is this ok to use " Hi there! That product would be an excellent choice to try. Due to …


Do CBDs cause thinning of the blood?

"I had to get a colonoscopy, and my doctor said to stop taking blood thinners before the procedure. He sent a list of blood thinners …

Blood Pressure

I have high blood pressure and currently take two prescribed medications. My BP is still 142/70 with the medications. Any suggestions to help further lower my BP?

Hello there! THC temporarily increases blood pressure and heart rate, so it should be taken cautiously if you have significant cardiovascular risk factors. However, studies …

Blood Pressure

I have fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. I take blood pressure meds Atenolol and lisinopril. I also have a low resting heart rate 58- 60 bpm. Will cannabis effect the effectiveness of my blood pressure needs or lower my resting heart rate. Thanks much

Hi there! In the very short term, cannabis elevates blood pressure and heart rate. However, prolonged administration of THC, in both humans and experimental animals, …


Does medical cannabis or THC act as a blood thinner?

Hello, A pre-clinical trial evaluated the effects CBD, THC and CBN had on blood clotting. Researches found that THC and CBN significantly hindered the clotting …


Blood thinner

"Does mm or tlc act as a blood "

Blood Pressure

Does CBD and/or THC help lower Blood Pressure?

Hello, THC temporarily increases blood pressure and heart rate, so THC should be taken cautiously if you have significant cardiovascular risk factors. However, studies suggest …

Blood Pressure

Can cannabis be used to lower blood pressure? If so, what type and how much?

Hello, A study published last year found that a 600mg dose of CBD reduced blood pressure while resting, as well as when under physical or …


Can I get a medical marijuana card if I have high blood pressure and arthritis chronic shoulder pain

Hypertension is not an ailment for which medical marijuana can be prescribed in New York. Severe chronic pain that substantially limits function does qualify and …


Cannabis side effect with cholesterol and high blood pressure medications

"i have high blood pressure and cholesterol. I am daily taking Crestor for cholesterol, and combined Topro xl (beta blocker), Azor (calcium channel blocker) for …

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